Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Back to The Grind

Back to school, back to the grind.
(Anyone else now have "Back to life, back to reality, back to the here and now...yeah..." in their head? You know you love you some En Vogue!)

I've been MIA lately as I prepped for this school year. For some reason, it seemed to be a lot of work this year! First of all, am I the only one who doesn't remember needing SO many supplies when heading back to the classroom?
What I DO remember is organizing my pencil box. I don't exactly know why I loved that task so very much, but I guess it was a foreshadow of my need to have order to be able to attend the tasks of life.

My son started 2nd grade yesterday. He had a strict requirement that his backpack not sport any "little kid characters" this year. He did, however, pick a minion lunchbox, which made me completely giddy to still see a bit of little boyness still in him.

My daughter will begin preschool tomorrow. She was a bit easier to please as she loves anything pink, purple, sparkly, princessy, etc. Her backpack and lunchbox both lightup. Throw in her lightup Rapunzel sneakers and she's a walking disco!

So here's what up for us/me this school year:
2nd grade, preschool, PTA, room mom, consignment sale committee, yearbook committee, auction committee, book fair committee, baseball, dance, EFF (early faith formation class), freelance editing/writing, home owner's association chairmanship, Yankee Belle Home, home improvements, tracing our ancestry...


My life is so much more normal and balanced with a full load and strict schedule. Summer's been great, but I need the grind.

Next up I'll share how I'm staying organized here at home with a homework station, paperwork bins, and more. Stay tuned!

In the meantime, I'd love to hear what you and your family are doing to stay on top of all the paperwork, practices, meetings, etc. that come with this time of year. Share your best organization tip with me!

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